vibro flotation
foundation & piling
piling rig
anchoring rig
Pile Breaker
vibratory hammer
vibro flotation
drilling tools
/Deep vibration techniques
The Vibroflot is a slim vibrator which is vertically lowered into the soil, using water pressure and gravity. The Vibroflot is used for compaction and to stabilize loose grainy soil by vibrating. By extending the vibrator with follower tubes, greater depths can be reached.

vibro flotation

Deep vibratory techniques using Vibroflots are generally known as vibro compaction and vibro replacement. The techniques are used for densifying granular soils, as well as for realizing stone columns.
A vibroflot is a slim, hydraulically driven vibratory needle. In combination with various accessories, the Vibroflot can be built to use with high pressure water jetting, or for replacement with a hopper system. A Vibroflot can be extended with so-called followers to be able to work to the desired depth. Of course a Vibroflot is used in soft or granular soil, usually sand. The Vibroflots are normally suspended from a standard crawler crane. Real-time data from a single or tandem setup is displayed on the monitor and can be downloaded at any time to support service intervals and job reports.
Installation speed compared
The vibratory-driving method represents a suitable alternative installation technique. The execution reveals clear advantages comparing to the conventional impact hammering. Both, the noise emission and the installation time can be decreased.
This video was made during a comparison test between an impact hammer and a PVE vibratory hammer in Cuxhaven. What you see is the actual piling speed.