tipping kit components
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tipping solutions
front-end cylinders
underbody cylinders
tipping kit components
/fully optimized solution for tipping applications
Combining a complete range of components with matching Hyva cylinders for highest safety and efficiency in operation

tipping kit components

Hyva wetkits are a fully optimized solution for tipping applications, combining a complete range of components with matching Hyva cylinders for highest safety and efficiency in operation. Hyva wetkits are flexible too, all components can be installed on a modular basis, though maximum benefit is gained from use of the whole system. Hyva wetkits are intended for a wide range of applications such as moving floor systems, trailers with hydraulic ramps and adjustments, cranes, hookloaders, skiploaders, unloading gas and liquid tankers.

Electronic slope detector
The side slope detector gives a visual and audible signal as soon as the vehicle starts to get too much side slope.
The audible signal is a pulsating sound of which the pitch increases when the side slope gets bigger. The angle from which the signal starts is fully adjustable.
The side slope angle is visible on the dashboard display.