drilling tools
foundation & piling
piling rig
anchoring rig
Pile Breaker
vibratory hammer
vibro flotation
drilling tools

drilling tools
Numerous efforts have been made, over the years, by engineers and workers of Casagrande to offer to its customers the best power tool suitable to the excavation.
This concept combined with the competent advice received from our customers and our operators, together with the continuous activity and research of our technicians in all type of work on construction sites and in soils around the world, has recently led to the creation of our new range XP, which for us means simply EXTRA PERFORMANCE.
However, we believe that drilling is a complex and diffi cult process where the theoretical knowledge must be refl ected in the practice and execution. In order to obtain the best of the new innovations hydraulic installed on the machine and transfer properly to the ground, we have created a new and complete range of drilling tools and accessories.